Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How it's going so far...

So I'm not an actual garden challenge participant. I'm sure there's some legal clause in my contract somewhere that forbids me to be one. But I DO have a raised bed at the community demonstration garden. We've been having our fair share of excitement and diappointment. All my plants are ALIVE at least. My cucumber, watermelon and egg plant *sniff, aren't doing too hot. But I put a loosely draped plastic cover to warm things up. I want to do it properly though, but it will have to wait. Otherwise, my plants are doing good. I planted some peas today. I hope they grow up big. I made a "mystery pot" with a few seeds from various things. It's a challenge: what will grow, what will SURVIVE?!??! And despite having lots of weeds (like LOTS) growing under the plastic cover for the squash and pumpkins, they however, are growing fantastically. We're still learning. Part of that learning; use black plastic next time.